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Our Services
Financial Independence Coaching is not counseling. It is not designed to be therapeutic or money crisis management. Coaching is focused on encouragement, support and monitoring the changes needed to achieve financial stability and client goals.

1:1 Coaching & Group Coaching
Sample Sessions
Motivational Life Coaching
Gain control of your money
Understand and think "Cash Flow"
Recognize your Money DNA (What you Think, Believe and Know about Money)
Create a Money Blueprint
Change your Spending Habits
Saving Strategy
Identify and stop Money Leaks
Eliminate Debt
Create Money and Build Wealth
Workshops & Trainings
Sample Sessions
Can We Talk...About Money
No Debt...Know Freedom
ABCs of starting a Home-Based Business
Who Moved My Cheese?
Your Purple Snowflake - You do You
Habitudes...Your Money Personality
Credit Wise
Customized workshops available

Take control of your money
Create a spending plan
Rebuild your credit
Start a home-based business
Establish a saving strategy
Establish Investments
Eliminate Debt "No Debt...Know Freedom"
Create Wealth
Leave a legacy
Enjoy Life
Service Outcomes
After active engagement with our services, you will be able to:
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